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BarMD Tutoring offers personalized, one-on-one bar exam preparation sessions designed to improve your essay writing, performance test taking, and MBE answering skills.

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BarMD Faculty Tutoring

Get personalized, one-on-one attention with bar exam tutoring to improve your essay writing, performance test taking, and MBE answering skills. BarMD believes tutoring should adapt to its students and figure out HOW to get each student to pass the bar without forcing you to adopt a certain method or learn in a way that does not work for you. 

BarMD’s Expert Faculty are all thoroughly vetted and trained with years of teaching experience, trained in the BarMD methods, and skilled to help you attack any and all weaknesses you might need help to overcome. 

In any given tutoring session, a tutor can review bar essays they assigned you to help you understand any gaps in black letter law, show you how you missed certain issues the bar examiners were looking for, help you develop your analysis to give the bar examiners what they want, how to better structure your essay, and more. 

BarMD’s tutors are well-versed in how to approach a performance test, numerous CA and UBE performance tests, and how to write a passing answer within the 90-minute time frame. We can help you identify where you spent too much time, whether you are extracting all relevant rules, how to analogize to and distinguish from the cases in the library, and where to beef up your analysis to write a passing answer. 

BarMD’s tutors are also familiar with MBE questions on a deep level and can help you identify patterns in what you are missing, understand why you are missing MBE questions, and how to dissect MBE questions in 1.8 minutes and get them right. 

BarMD Tutoring can help you overcome any obstacle on the bar exam. 

NOTE: All tutoring sessions 45 minutes on zoom. Sold in packages of 5 sessions for $999.

Tutoring with BarMD Founder, Maureen D. MacManus, Esq. 

BarMD Tutoring can help you overcome any obstacle on the bar exam.

Get personalized, one-on-one attention with bar exam tutoring to improve your essay writing, performance test taking, and MBE answering skills. BarMD believes tutoring should adapt to its students and figure out HOW to get each student to pass the bar without forcing you to adopt a certain method or learn in a way that does not work for you. 

BarMD’s founder Maureen D. MacManus, Esq. is thoroughly vetted and trained with years of teaching experience, developed the BarMD methods, and skilled to help you attack any and all weaknesses you might need help to overcome. 

In any given tutoring session, she can review bar essays they assigned you to help you understand any gaps in black letter law, show you how you missed certain issues the bar examiners were looking for, help you develop your analysis to give the bar examiners what they want, how to better structure your essay, and more. 

Maureen is well-versed in how to approach a performance test, numerous CA and UBE performance tests, and how to write a passing answer within the 90-minute time frame. She will help you identify where you spent too much time, whether you are extracting all relevant rules, how to analogize to and distinguish from the cases in the library, and where to beef up your analysis to write a passing answer. 

Maureenis familiar with MBE questions on a deep level and can help you identify patterns in what you are missing, understand why you are missing MBE questions, and how to dissect MBE questions in 1.8 minutes and get them right. 

NOTE: All tutoring sessions 45 minutes on zoom. Sold in packages of 5 sessions for $1,249 or 10 sessions for $2,499. Tutoring sessions are with Maureen and can be scheduled March 5 through the July 2025 exam.

Additional information


Tutoring with BarMD Founder, Maureen, 5 Sessions, Tutoring with BarMD Founder, Maureen, 10 Sessions, Tutoring with BarMD Staff Tutors, 5 Sessions