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MBE DNA Course



Make your MBE studying an active – not passive – process. With our MBE course, you will be fully equipped to master the MBE. Don’t just do MBE questions blindly – review the law and do targeted assignments. 

With MBE DNA, MBE prep is broken down into three phases. 

Phase One – Foundational: First, you will review the black letter law on our thorough flashcards and do questions targeting the black letter law you have just reviewed. You will complete this for all topics and all subjects. 

Phase Two – Complete subject specific question sets: In this phase, you will complete questions where you know the subject but you don’t know the specific topic within the subject to make sure you are issue spotting properly after phase one. 

Phase Three – Mixed Questions: Finally, you will complete question sets where all topics and subjects are mixed together to simulate the bar exam. Questions are distributed with the same subject and topic breakdown 

MBE DNA is more than just an MBE platform – it includes all of the black letter law you need for the MBE, targeted assignments, and data broken down to the deepest level of subtopics so you can learn precisely where your weaknesses are. Stop randomly doing MBE Questions. Start doing MBE DNA. Digital Platform Access Only

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